Smithsonian Year in Review 2020-2021

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Spring 2020

Children at a computer
IMAGE: Smithsonian distance learning resources, like the Smithsonian Learning Lab (pictured here), provide teachers, students, and families with greater access to rich interdisciplinary content and the tools to customize these resources for their own needs. (Darren Milligan)

Listening to the Needs of Classrooms across America: Distance Learning Resources

Launching a “One Smithsonian” Campaign

In the year since its launch, the Smithsonian’s Distance Learning page was viewed by over ¼ million people searching for high quality resources to minimize the disruption of learning.

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Minimizing the Disruption of Learning

Four people smiling in a zoom window
Four people smiling in a zoom window

From Storytimes to Interactive Webinars – Museum Educators Bring Programs Online

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Prioritizing Education at the Smithsonian

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The Smithsonian should have a prominent place in every classroom and home in America. Whether during the course of everyday learning or in a crisis like this, parents, teachers and students can rely on the Smithsonian's wealth of expertise and knowledge that is available for free at the click of a mouse.Secretary, Lonnie G. Bunch III

Summer 2020

Cover of Summer Road Trip
IMAGE: Cover of the Summer Road Trip – A Smithsonian At‑Home Activity Guide (Funnel)

Minimizing the Disruption of Learning Caused by the Digital Divide: Engaging, Print Activity Guides for the Summer 

165k copies distributed to 93 sites

Two children holding the Summer Road Trip
Two children holding the Summer Road Trip
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4,000 Copies of “Summer Road Trip” Distributed Across the State of Kentucky

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Meeting Teachers and Students Where They Are At

A child smiling while wearing a mask with the Summer Road Trip
A child smiling while wearing a mask with the Summer Road Trip

“Summer Road Trip” Distributed to Boys & Girls Clubs of America

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I am thankful for the opportunity to share valuable resources to our KY Migrant students. During this time these magazines provide learning opportunities to our families that may not have internet access. Thank you!Christina Benassi, Kentucky Department of Education’s (KDE) Migrant Education program state director

Fall 2020

A screenshot from the news program that reads
IMAGE: Screenshot from the NBC coverage of Smithsonian Learning Lab.

Living through History: D.C. Public Schools’ Student Voices Featured in Partnership with the Smithsonian  

Supporting “Back to School” Season Across the U.S.

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I cannot tell you how much I value the efforts of the Smithsonian educators, particularly at this time in our history. The Smithsonian Learning Lab is becoming my life‑line. I am certain many educators are saying the sameMary Mattern, Art Teacher in Wallingford, PA
Handdrawn artwork by child depicting ways to keep each other safe during COVID.
Handdrawn artwork by child depicting ways to keep each other safe during COVID.
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D.C. Public Schools’ Student Work Showcased via Smithsonian Learning Lab

4H Student Leaders Provide Insights

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The work you all do has always been so valuable to teachers – now it feels that much more critical. I hope that we can all move toward creating meaningful thinking‑based content for distance learning!Susanna Stossel, Head of the Lower School at the Whittle School in Washington, D.C.
Cover of Yesterday, Today print publication
Cover of Yesterday, Today print publication

Yesterday, Today – Read by Over 4 Million People Nationwide

1.7M newspapers distributed nationwide to USA TODAY subscribers, included the Smithsonian’s Yesterday, Today newspaper insert.

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Winter 2020-2021

Child attaching note to paper tree
IMAGE: A young boy adds a wish for the health of delivery workers during the 2020 pandemic. This paper wish tree is inspired by artist Yoko Ono’s Wish Tree for Washington, on view at the Hirshhorn Museum’s Sculpture Garden. (Tiffany McGettigan)

Sharing Smithsonian Museum Educator Expertise and Insights More Broadly: Launch of the “Smithsonian Voices” Series 

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In a time when financial pressures necessitate an examination of institutional priorities in the face of deep cuts, it is good to see [the] Smithsonian Institution showing leadership by highlighting the essential work Education staff members play in keeping museums relevant and worthy of support…Lynda Kennedy, Vice President of Education and Evaluation for Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
A student smiles in front of a laptop
A student smiles in front of a laptop
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From High‑Tech to High‑Touch — Educational Resources Made for All

Child with activity guide
IMAGE: Across the country, learners have used the at‑home activity guides to fuel their imaginations and spark creativity through Smithsonian‑inspired prompts, like designing a vehicle of the future. (Tricia Reinhold)

Expanding Print Publication Series: Connection in Times of Isolation

Building a Vision for Education

11K copies of Warm Wishes accompanied winter coat deliveries to 24 elementary schools in the U.S. and Canada, via distribution by FedEx.

Learning at Home as a Family

Smithsonian sun logo against a backdrop of iconography
Smithsonian sun logo against a backdrop of iconography

Partnership with PBS Learning Media Launches

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With a 175 year legacy as a trusted source for knowledge, the Smithsonian Institution steps boldly into the role of being the nation’s knowledge partner. This new phase in the organization’s evolution has created opportunities to evolve the educator’s role as a connector, convenor, and leader.Smithsonian Acting Under Secretary for Education, Ruki Neuhold-Ravikumar

Listening to Educators’ Experiences

Spring 2021

smiling students crowding photo
VIDEO STILL: Celebrating 10 years of Youth Access Grant (YAG) funded programming offered by Smithsonian educators nationwide.

Reimagining the Future: A Look Ahead at the Smithsonian’s Impact in Education

Connecting the Smithsonian to Every D.C. Public School Student

Convening a Community of Practice

man recording a video of a pink bird
man recording a video of a pink bird
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Cornerstone Experiences for D.C. Public School Students

Page 22 of Vidas Ejemplares featuring Esperanza Spalding
Page 22 of Vidas Ejemplares featuring Esperanza Spalding

Empowering Students to Visualize Themselves as Changemakers

Building a Team to Support Education at the Smithsonian

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Thank you for posting info about the Smithsonian's educational opportunities for kids at home. I wanted to keep my 6th grader's brain engaged so I showed him the link. He's been on the site ever since and really enjoying it. The programming is fantastic and lifesaving for those of us with kids at home.Ilana Feuchter, a parent in Fairfax, VA